Play Embedded Animation

Control animations embedded on an Object.

This component is designed to control the playback of the animations embedded on an Object. It lets you select which animation to play, set how many times it should run (with looping or autoplay options), and use trigger properties for activation.


How to use

Step 1. Attach the Component

  • Add to Your Entity: This component will automatically be added to the entity when an Object that has an animation is added. You can manually add one if the entity already has an Object component, but it will only work if the Object has an animation.

Step 2. Configure the Animation

  • Select the Animation: Set the animation parameter to the desired animation.

  • Control Playback:
    • Set Iterations to specify how many times the animation should play.
    • Toggle Loop to enabled if you want continuous looping, or leave it disabled to use the fixed iteration count.
    • Set Autoplay to enabled if you want the animation to start automatically when the scene loads.
    • Triggers can be configured if Loop or Autoplay are disabled .

  • Set Iterations to specify how many times the animation should play.
  • Toggle Loop to enabled if you want continuous looping, or leave it disabled to use the fixed iteration count.
  • Set Autoplay to enabled if you want the animation to start automatically when the scene loads.
  • **Triggers** can be configured if Loop or Autoplay are disabled .

Step 3. Activate the Animation

  • The animation will start playing when the user enters the world if Autoplay is enabled or whenever a user activate a Trigger.