v. 2.1 - April 2024
This policy applies to all environments, services, and interactions with the public (including customers and end users) of “ANITYA.SPACE Metaverso Limitada”, a company established under the laws of the Federative Republic of Brazil and registered with CNPJ No. 50.208.802/0001-60. Herein, we describe how antiya collects, stores, and uses your data and information in day-to-day operations and in the company's technological products.
This applies to every user, customer, supplier, collaborator, and end user of antiya who provides any data and/or personal information to antiya, whether through physical or digital means. This includes users of the website https://www.antiya.space/ and users of applications developed by antiya, in any package, whether paid or free.
By accepting this Privacy Policy, you confirm that you have read, understood, and expressly consented to the manner in which antiya collects, processes, and protects your information and data, as described herein. Acceptance of this Privacy Policy is essential for any use of antiya's services.
This Privacy Policy does not apply to third-party websites or applications that may be linked to antiya's services. You should carefully read the Terms and Conditions of Use and the Privacy Policies of these third-party websites and applications to, if desired, properly provide your consent, even if you have accessed these environments through antiya.
If you have an individual service contract with antiya, that contract may contain privacy terms that also apply to the personal information provided in the terms of this contract. These terms may be different or more restrictive than the terms of this Privacy Policy.
All the data and information that antiya has about you were either:
The main information and data that antiya collects from you are:
antiya does not collect any sensitive information regarding racial or ethnic origin, religious belief, public opinion, affiliation with trade unions or with religious, philosophical or political organizations, or any type of biometric data.
All data and digital information collected by antiya are stored in the cloud, on the AWS platform - Amazon and Google. The shared responsibility model applies to the data and information collected by antiya, ensuring cloud security and compliance. You can find more information about the shared responsibility model for AWS at https://aws.amazon.com/compliance/shared-responsibility-model/ and for Google Cloud at https://cloud.google.com/architecture/framework/security/shared-responsibility-shared-fate?hl=en. Additionally, you can refer to the AWS GDPR Data Processing Addendum at https://d1.awsstatic.com/legal/aws-gdpr/AWS_GDPR_DPA.pdf.
By accepting this Privacy Policy, you agree that your provided data may be stored in the jurisdiction of antiya and anywhere in the world, by storage services that ensure, at a minimum, protection equivalent to the Brazilian standard.
The data provided to antiya is stored for the necessary duration for the purpose of storage and for an additional maximum period of 5 (five) years.
Upon starting a relationship with antiya, whether by accessing the website, platforms, or by contracting or subscribing to services, you will begin to access antiya's digital environments. At this point, we will start storing the personal information provided in our contacts or digital environments of antiya, upon express consent, solely for:
The Browsing Data is anonymized and used exclusively for the continuous improvement of the services provided by antiya. We also use this type of data provided by you during browsing to interact with applications for visit statistics to our digital environments (Google Analytics).
Generally, no Identification Data, Commercial Data, or Browsing Data that you have provided to antiya, or that we have collected with your consent in antiya's digital environments, will be provided to any third party, except in the following cases:
Our website may contain links to third-party sites and use third-party services mentioned in this Privacy Policy. We are not responsible for the privacy policies or practices of other websites or applications. When accessing a third-party site, through a link or by any other means, even if linked with antiya, the customer, user, or supplier should read the privacy policy of that site so that you can understand how the site in question collects, uses, and shares data.
We adopt security precautions at appropriate levels to protect your data against unauthorized access and any type of unlawful processing. When you choose a password that allows access to any digital environment of antiya, it will be kept confidential, and you will be responsible for not disclosing this password.
In the event of any incident involving your data, you will be promptly notified by antiya about the incident and instructed on the extent of the incident.
antiya may change this Privacy Policy and the way it uses your data. Whenever there is any change, you will be prominently informed about the changes and invited to consent to the terms of these changes to the Privacy Policy.
We provide users with the opportunity to opt-out from receiving updates on our products, newsletters and other communications from us. You can opt-out by clicking on the link provided in our electronic mailings or by contacting us at the address at the bottom of this page.
If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, or if you wish to request access to your data, change or delete any or all of your data, or even have your contact information removed from any of our contact lists (such as promotional mailing), please write to hello@antiya.space.
ANITYA.SPACE Metaverso Ltda, Rua Alagoas, 212, Conj. 62, CEP 01242-000, Higienópolis, São Paulo, Brasil.
CNPJ/MF: 50.208.802/0001-60 | https://www.antiya.space | email: hello@antiya.space